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Showing posts from 2022

To Drown In Silence!

The seeker seeks the master, Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi's Grace to drown him in silence. Read a short poem. To sink in the depths of silence, Is what I seek with your ever   available guidance,  It's never enough to take little dips in      its waters,  But to drown in it once for all is what               really matters,   It's what to be in total peace,  And completely at ease,  What then remains for me   but to simply be?      

Rain Your Grace!

To just be is the state to be. Read a short poem based on the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, praying to Him to rain His Grace to just be. To be not entangled with thoughts, To stand aloof as the heart, In simple silence, Without the least volition, Equipoised in mind, True will power to find, Tuned to your Grace that rains, Peace that eternally reigns, With thoughts effaced, Without a trace, Abiding in truth so bare, Being completely aware, Let me just be, Absolutely free. A Seeker's Musings       

The Lord's Strength!

Bhagavan Ramana urges one to cast one's burden on the Lord, who is the source of infinite strength. A short poem... Let me cast my burden on thee, The bearer with infinite strength as  one gets to see, One in truth can't anything do, With the phantom ego that seems true, The desire to do is the work of the ego, Which one needs to let go, For actions are backed not by the strength of desire, But the strength is from you, O Hill of fire. A Seeker's Musings

I Pray For A Vacant Mind!

When the mind is still, peace prevails. A short poem of prayer to Ramana to open the flood gates of peace. An end to all commotion, Is with the end of the mind in motion, With the ripples of thoughts stilled, With the cessation of my will, When doership is dead, With the mind not fed, I pray for awareness in a vacant mind, Where thoughts no longer bind, Ramana, I await your grace, To open the flood gates of peace with haste, For me to simply remain, Where the mind doesn't reign.  A Seeker's Musings. Picture Courtesy: Jenn Wood 

Throw Me A Glance!

Peace abounds in the heart, yet we seek fleeting pleasures from the world outside knowingly owing to the frailty of our minds. A short poem on prayer to Ramana to make one realise eternal peace.        While peace in the heart abounds,        I hanker for happiness around,        Halt the mind from straying outside,        Seeking pleasures from all sides,        Fleeting I know they are,        But the frail mind goes too far,        Glimpses of peace you cast,        But the mind takes over fast,        Do throw me a glance to bestow,        Eternal peace to flow. 

Let Me Not Spread As Thoughts!

'Spreading as thoughts' is swerving from one's natural state in the heart. The heart is the seat of eternal peace and abiding in it puts one to ease. The spreading of thoughts begins with the rising of the 'I' thought or the ego. Abiding or staying put in the heart makes one to just be in peace putting an end to the ego's motion, which brings about misery. A poem of prayer to Ramana Maharshi. Let me not spread as thoughts, Let me abide in the heart, From the ego stems the thoughts, Then in the net of the world I am caught, Let me not spread as thoughts, Let me abide in the heart, I know not any rest,  When I stray away from my nest, Let me not spread as thoughts, Let me abide in the heart, When I swerve from solitude, I turn away from quietude, Let me not spread as thoughts, Let me abide in the heart, When in movement I reap pain, When still in the heart peace reigns, Let me not spread as thoughts, Let me abide in the heart, Let your grip tighten on me, So I don...

Dissolve Me Completely!

The seeker loses his separate identity of the idea of being the body and mind whenever he turns his attention towards the Master, the real Self in him. He however beseeches the Master to dissolve the separate identity or the ego in the real Self once for all. A short poem.

The Silent Look!

A seeker stands in the presence of the master with questions about his fate raging in his mind. The mind simply dissolves with silence filling him, leaving him with peace. Read a haiku based on the peace found in the master's presence.

Tethered To Your Feet!

Being tethered sets one free. Sounds like a paradox. Read a petite poem on a prayer to Ramana Maharshi to hold on to His Feet.

Arunachala My Heart!

Arunachala is one's own heart. This petite poem is a prayer to Arunachala to fix the mind in Him, the heart.

Beyond The Mind!

The seeker in search of freedom outside gets repeatedly frustrated sooner or later, owing to the impermanent happiness in the objects of his desire. The Master teaches him to turn within to guide him towards true freedom that is beyond the mind.  Picture Courtesy: Anne Lambeck 

Show Me Thy Eternal Face

A seeker craves for the stabilisation of the truth within, without the least intervention of the mind. A prayer in the form of a short poem to Ramana Maharshi. 

Hoist The Flag Of Peace

The seeker beseeches the Master to hoist the flag of peace conquering the raging mind in this short poem. Picture Credit: Hasan Almasi 

The Traveller Is At Home!

In the pathless path, where there seems to be a journey but in truth there is not, the traveller/seeker abides in his own heart or 'just be'. Nochur Venkataraman in one of his talks on Ramana Maharshi and His teachings said that Bhagavan's actual teaching was to 'just be'. For those of us for whom it was difficult to be, He mercifully taught the direct path of Self enquiry.  

Merging with Ramana!

When we lose ourselves in Bhagavan, we in truth recognise our true Self. A petite poem.

The Piercing Look!

One look from the Master is enough to silence the mind. A seeker pens a short poem on the look of Guru Ramana, which merges the mind in the stillness behind. 

Tune into Silence!

One need not have to fight one's thoughts in order to quell them. Simply tuning into the silence within by abiding in the source where thoughts emerge takes one beyond the mind. Read a petite poem.  Picture Courtesy:  Daniele Levis Pelusi,

Rooted In Reality!

Change is constant in life. Read a petite poem on staying rooted in one's true Self that is unchanging beyond the changing phenomenon. Picture Courtesy: Johannes Plenio 

The Eternal Union!

A short poem on Arunachala Shiva where the seeker sees Him as the Lord, the Master and her own Being.     Shiva, the Lord of my heart,        You captured me unsought,        In your embrace I am eternally caught,        Beyond the dividing thoughts.        Shiva in my heart,        We are never apart,        'The sole being you are', you impart,        From this truth never should I depart.        Shiva is my heart,        Sans an end and a start,        From this truth of the heart,        Grace will never do me apart. PictureCourtesy: Wikipedia

Encaged To Be Free!

A seeker thinks he is encaged but the Master affirms not so! A little poem on freedom.  

The Fear of Death - Inspirations from day to day life.

Bhagavan Ramana roots out the fear of death in a seeker by a simple sentence carrying the import of the Master's teaching that he happens to read on death... "மரணபயம் மனசுக்குத்தான்.  அழிவற்ற ஆத்மஸ்வரூபமான 'தனக்கில்லை' என்றுணர்." - Baskaran.M  The translation of the words go thus, "Realise that the fear of death is experienced by the mind and not by the Atman which is indestructible and eternal." Moved by the Master's Grace, the seeker pens a petite poem.....    

Guru Poornima

 A short poem on Guru Poornima, seeking the light of Grace of Guru Ramana.