Grace humbles one utterly. This poem is a simple and a humble narration of the immensity of the Grace of Lord Siva as Panchavarneshwara abiding in an ancient temple in Uraiyur, near Trichy on Mahashivratri. In Shiva’s sacred night, Thousands thronged at His Feet, Into the massive temple that night, The timeless in time stood; to the eyes, an utter treat! I walked my way in the precincts, Of sculpted splendour of magnificence! In the ancient abode of Uraiyur distinct, Where Siva abides as Panchavarneswara, the significant! A form so small, yet with immeasurable might- I stood almost mute to address, With eyes fixed on Him in sheer delight, “Appa”, “Appa” were all that I could express! The priest waved the lamp to the light of all lights, For the earthly eyes to behold, Lost in the fanciful world of ethereal heights, To merge with Him within in bliss untold. I took a few steps turning around, ...