'Spreading as thoughts' is swerving from one's natural state in the heart. The heart is the seat of eternal peace and abiding in it puts one to ease. The spreading of thoughts begins with the rising of the 'I' thought or the ego. Abiding or staying put in the heart makes one to just be in peace putting an end to the ego's motion, which brings about misery. A poem of prayer to Ramana Maharshi.
Let me not spread as thoughts,
Let me abide in the heart,
From the ego stems the thoughts,
Then in the net of the world I am caught,
Let me not spread as thoughts,
Let me abide in the heart,
I know not any rest,
When I stray away from my nest,
Let me not spread as thoughts,
Let me abide in the heart,
When I swerve from solitude,
I turn away from quietude,
Let me not spread as thoughts,
Let me abide in the heart,
When in movement I reap pain,
When still in the heart peace reigns,
Let me not spread as thoughts,
Let me abide in the heart,
Let your grip tighten on me,
So I don't go astray but just be,
Let me not spread as thoughts,
Let me abide in the heart.
A Seeker's Musings