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Self-Reliant-Are We Really?

Om Namo Bhagavate Shri Ramanaya

Self-Reliant-Are We Really?
Self-reliance  would normally mean being reliant on work, wealth, intelligence, social strength, relationships etc. Are we really Self-reliant in the truest sense while basing our reliance on these?

When one is reliant on the aforesaid aspects, one is indirectly reliant on the mind. They are based on intelligence and emotions which are thought forms which constitute the mind.  In all of these impermanence is engrained. Such reliance is simply attachment which causes pain when their life elapses, or when they fail, while monotony and discontent are unavoidable outcomes of a successful life at some point. The mind hunts for something new. We are reliant on them owing to the belief somewhere; deep down, that they are going to exist for ever. It is only one’s true Self , the eternal which can bestow a perennial flow of contentment. It is to be noted that it is not about shunning work, wealth, relationships etc. It is about understanding deeply that they are transitory.

Bhagavan’s question to Paul Brunton throws light on what the true Self is. He simply brushed aside his’s (Paul Brunton) answers to His single question as to who he was, when he (Paul Brunton) replied with his name, profession, nationality etc. Bhagavan clearly pointed out that they were simply his name, profession etc and not his Self.

Hence what is the ‘Self’ or ‘Who Am I?’

A little story from the book “The Way of the Wizard” by Deepak Chopra is a good pointer. Merlin, the wizard, visits King Aruther’s court and questions who he (the king) was to the courtiers, promising a bagful of gold dust for the correct answer. Merlin brushes aside all answers like he is “the king” (by a knight), “Arthur” (by an old maid), “beloved husband” (by the queen) and even “your old friend and disciple” (by Arthur himself). When everyone leaves the room, Arthur sees Merlin empty the bag of gold dust out of the window. When he is questioned, Merlin says that he gave it to the wind, which answered correctly!

Arthur said, “The wind? But it didn’t say anything”

“Exactly,” said Merlin.

So how can ‘Nothingness’ be realised with the mind? It is simply impossible, for the mind dwells by clutching something by the way of thought. The Self can be realised only with the dropping of the mind. Here comes the importance of practice, which can change one’s perspective about one self.  Self-enquiry immerses one in the true Self to experience it.

Shri V Ganesan’s explanation of Self enquiry in his ‘Direct Teaching of Bhagavan Ramana’ beautifully exposes it. “One questions ‘Who am I?’ Watch! Immediately, all thoughts stop! When there are no thoughts, there is no mind. You need no other proof than your own experience. With proper Self-enquiry there ensues a state where the mind has voluntarily become inoperative. A state of silence alone prevails. That Silence is the Self.  You are THAT-‘TAT TVAM ASI

He further says, “See the simplicity of all! Don’t convert “You are That” into a concept, yet another thought. Experience it as the Reality that is your core, the imperishable, unchanging ground of your existence. Experiencing (not thinking) is the clue”

One can call oneself to be self-reliant when one bases himself on the Silence of the Self while in the pursuit of self-enquiry each time it is employed, at the rise of each thought. There is immense peace even while practising it. It bestows clarity in day today activities and the vision to look at life as a continuous flow with the degree of contentment rising only to become the very contentment (Realisation) someday. One is in life yet beyond it.

That Silence is the base for all creativity and intelligence. It is in fact the very intelligence, simply because its nature is AWARENESS!

It is the experience of devotees that even while in the practise of enquiry as per  the Master’s teachings; they experience showers of His Grace, ever manifest in numerous forms to tide over the storms of the temporal sea, the world. May His Grace guide us in the pursuit of self-enquiry to be self-reliant and to realise the Self.

Om Namo Bhagavate Shri Ramanaya.



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