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The Embrace of Grace on Mahashivratri

Grace humbles one utterly. This poem is a simple and a humble narration  of the immensity of  the Grace of Lord Siva as Panchavarneshwara abiding in an ancient temple in Uraiyur, near Trichy on Mahashivratri. 

In Shiva’s sacred night,
Thousands thronged at His Feet,
Into the massive temple that night,
The timeless in time stood; to the eyes, an utter treat!

I walked my way in the precincts,
Of sculpted splendour of magnificence!
In the ancient abode of Uraiyur distinct,
Where Siva abides as Panchavarneswara, the significant!

A form so small, yet with immeasurable might-
I stood almost mute to address,
With eyes fixed on Him in sheer delight,
“Appa”, “Appa” were all that I could express!

The priest waved the lamp to the light of all lights,
For the earthly eyes to behold,
Lost in the fanciful world of ethereal heights,
To merge with Him within in bliss untold.

I took a few steps turning around,                                    
To make my way out, at the ritual’s end,
While some received flowers that the Lord adorned,
The wish seized me, and my arm I extended.

Just then, the flowers were done,                                   
With nothing more to offer,
The priest with an expression of having none,
Looked at me helpless in that hour.

Swiftly he looked about to secure one-
And tried to pluck a rose,
From the garland that hung in the arm of another one (priest),
To appease my wish that arose.

The latter turned around,
Sensing the little pull,
The former requested for me a fair flower, round,
As I stood still.

No second thought, the latter handed it to me,
A long garland that adorned the Lord!
Dazed, I reached out for the one for me to be,
As the former smiled with an affirming nod.

He raised his hands in the air,
And said, by grace “all will be well!”
The latter smiled too assuming care,
 I smiled back with gratitude in swell.

As they turned to the crowd to attend,
I gazed at the Lord amazed,
With such unfathomable Grace He tends,
Only to leave one dazed.

I reflected alone in leisure,
That insignificant are my wants,
As He gives beyond measure,
Humbled I am against any further haunts.



The Illusory World When It Becomes a Reality!

Just a shift in our perception of ourselves can bring about a change in how we look at the world. The Illusory nature of the world can be understood by first-hand experience from our day to day life  of  the waking state, dream state and the deep sleep state, the three states in Consciousness. We actually perceive and experience the world through the mind. Our mind is nothing but a collection of thoughts, which have the ‘I thought’ as the primary thought. The ‘I thought’ is an impostor that springs from Consciousness donning the appearance of Consciousness, which is the REAL I. If but for the thoughts, there is no such thing called the mind, states Ramana Maharshi. In deep sleep, the mind is lost along with the world, but when we wake up, the individual self (identification with the body and the mind), or the ‘I thought’ rises after which we begin to experience the world for the day. When we view the world as the individual self or the ‘I thought’ in th...

The Meaning of Consciousness: A Deeper Understanding

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Waking Up To Reality From The Three States Of Consciousness

Om Namo Bhagavate Shri Ramanaya It is not some dry philosophy, but the day to day happening in each of our lives, from birth to death that we have missed to pay attention to- the waking state, the dream state and the deep sleep state. "The world is a changing phenomena, an illusion." A spiritual comrade uttered in the course of a casual conversation. The conversation drifted to the three states of consciousness-the waking, dreaming and the deep sleep states. They are alternating phases. A little scrutiny, and we can understand about these three states, which we experience every day from birth to death. By the term "Real", we mean "Original", in the things that we encounter in our day to day life. We call "Original" because there is no change in them ever. So are the three states of consciousness, the waking state, where we engage in day to day activities; and the dream state, where we move about in our dreams with a different set o...

About Miracles - A Different Outlook!

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