The poem, "The Path Back Home," is a reflection of a peaceful stroll, alone in nature. The path leads and dissolves into the horizon, with me.... Tiny pink and yellow flowers, made occasional patches over the ground. The breeze in the meadow brushed past, The sun shied, behind the clouds, A Kingfisher flapped its way towards me, unaware; and swiftly turned away with an alert chirp. The three-legged dog hopped and barked; intrigued and agile, A squirrel leaped from the roof of the cowshed, onto the branch of a nearby tree. I paced the path aimlessly that stretched in front, A flock of birds took to flight, to the left from the right. A peacock started off from a branch of a tree, and flew far beyond, surprising me. A glimpse of the "Wordless One" having revealed itself, from the depths of which thoughts emerged and sunk. Thoughts of chaos showed up and slid, back into the depths of peace--a seeming paradox so long hid! A prayer arose and me...
Gathered Blooms is a humble sharing of pointers to truth, gathered on the path way to reality.