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Showing posts from 2013

Arunachala Siva -The Immovable Eternity

This poem highlights the nature of the moving mind constantly looking forward for the pleasures of the future. Belief in astrology and planetary transitions are most sought after ways to know the future. Its a prayer to   the sacred Arunachala Hill worshipped as Arunachala Siva, the immovable Self to grant its immobility drawing the ever restless mind to merge in it in surrender to go beyond time. Year after year, when the (planet) transit happens, The Guru (planet) swaps positions, Spelling fortune to a few For others, distaste anew Joy eludes for some, While others refereshingly hum. The mind enjoys the rejuvenating change, Or sinks in sorrow sudden and strange! The changing Guru may cast the way of life, Interchanging upheaval of pleasure and strife, But can one rely for bliss eternal, When the mind lost in the ethereal? The true Sadguru full of Grace, The seamless unchanging reality, Leads the mind out of the dual maze, Spreading bliss unperturbed for etern...

Musings on the Changeless in Face of Change

“Better to understand for a single day the fleeting nature of things than to live for a hundred years without such understanding” - Buddha Transience is the very nature of life. Change is the only constant thing says Buddhism, and also a matter of common sense within the experience of all. We cling to aspects of life - relationships, health, career, status etc etc. Little do we realise the aspect of change inherent in all the aforesaid aspects while we indulge in them. Realisation dawns only when a cherished relationship turns sour, when disease dispels sound heath, when there is a sudden change in career etc. Change also happens for the good, but in good days one is steeped in indulgence. Change speaks better in unhappiness.  It’s when the nature of transience is understood better. The positive way of looking at change is to not to look at it as a disaster, but to consider it as simply a change. However, it seems beyond the human grasp. A simple understandin...

About Miracles - A Different Outlook!

Om Namo Bhagavate Shri Ramanaya! The womb of miracles is Grace, which is none other than the Self. Miracles here, may be defined as not the glaring ones as in Physic powers, Clairvoyance or materialising objects etc that bears the stamp of doership. They are simply divine interference in day to day life that are too very natural, and could often escape from even an alert eye. Such were those which took place in the presence of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. Any ardent seeker's life is peppered with miracles or divine interference. There are two common outlooks towards miracles. While most intellectual seekers on the path of Self realization often have a self imposed indifferent attitude towards miracles, seekers on the path of bakti or devotion often get lost in miraculous happenings. In my humble opinion, I guess focusing on Grace, the underlying factor of miracles than focusing on miraculous happenings themselves, or being aware of miracles rather than b...