One day on returning from work, in a relaxed mood, I hummed a tune that randomly popped up in my mind, as I pressed my face into a towel, to pat dry it. It suddenly struck me that a high pitched note just came up very smoothly and effortlessly which, did not happen when I had frantically attempted several years before. I was reminded of the Zen story, "The First Principle" Kosen, a Zen master, was good at calligraphy . One cannot but admire his work on a gate on which, it is carved "The First Principle". The letters were carved on the gate replicating what he had sketched on a piece of paper. The gate still bears testimony to the beautiful work of the Master in Obaku temple, Kyoto, Japan. The process of Kosen sketching those letters has become a beautiful and thought provoking Zen story. When Kosen was engaged in sketching the letters, one of his disciples, rather a bold one, criticised the very first effort of Kosen, "Oh that is not good!" Kos...
Gathered Blooms is a humble sharing of pointers to truth, gathered on the path way to reality.